Abuse and mistreatment refer to acts of harm, cruelty, or exploitation inflicted on someone who is vulnerable, such as physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. This can occur in various contexts, including interpersonal relationships, institutions, or systemic structures. The abuse is typically perpetrated by someone who holds a position of power, authority, or advantage over the victim, leading to a significant power imbalance. It is essential to recognize and address such acts to protect the rights and well-being of vulnerable individuals.
Yes, mistreatment is a noun. It refers to the action of treating someone or something badly or unfairly.
It is vulnerable all the time. There are some irresponsible person in this world that love to hack and sending viruses to someone's email. Be careful. Have a powerful malware or anti virus in your computer before opening your email.
To care for someone that is vulnerable, one must provide them with a great amount of comfort. One must make sure to not abuse a vulnerable person, and abuse can range from neglect all the way to actual physical abuse.
Someone faster
maybe he feels a stronger attraction to someone else maybe he feels a stronger attraction to someone else
This term refers to someone in a particularly vulnerable situation.
Someone powerful.
One term for someone vulnerable is "sensitive" which can imply a propensity to be affected emotionally or mentally by external factors.
Eldar Kai makes the powers of someone 10 times stronger than what they already are. Another way to express this would be to say they're tenfold times stronger than they originally were.
Vulnerable: You could fall out of bed at night, and split your head on a rail. Abused: At some point, someone has done something mean to you when you did nothing to warrant it.
if someone or something is venerable it means the cost of an incident is more severe to them than someone without venerability