You should take it to the vet as soon as possible.
what would be a yearly vet bill for a dash hound?
I think your best bet is to either take it to the vet, or just let it die. Hamsters are cheap enough to be replaced. Vet bills would be huge. My hamster just died a couple months ago... I might buy another... they are only like $20.
ask the vet
I think you should bring it to the vet
Depends on the vet bills.
Average salary pay for a job usually vary from place to place. In Scarsdale a vet can get paid $101,000.yearly.
Take it to a vet.
go to the vet
Yes you should bring your sneezing hamster to the vet... Because if you don't it could die.
Your hamster is probably sick, take it to a vet.
take them to a special vet