Tracheotomy is a surgical incision of the trachea through the neck,
We call this a colostomy. The first part of the word comes from colon as you can imagine and -stom- means mouth or opening. The last part is -my and that means surgery or cutting. Surgery that opens the colon to the outside.
"card-" is the root word for pericardiectomy. "peri-" means around, and "ectomy" means surgical removal. A pericardiectomy is the surgical removal of the sac around the heart.
A door is an opening.
The word that means the opposite of opening and has a short vowel sound is "closing."
The surgical team was ready to begin the operation.The doctor dropped his surgical mask in the patient.
The surgical procedure to fix a floating kidney is called Nephropexy
Tonsill- means related to tonsils, and -ectomy means surgical removal.
The root word for "trachea" is from the Greek word "tracheia," meaning "rough" or "windpipe."
Cervicectomy breaks down as cervic- meaning neck or cervix, and -ectomy meaning surgical removal. In this context, cervicectomy means surgical removal of the uterine cervix, not surgical removal of the body part between the shoulders and head.
The plural of trachea is tracheae. As in "all humans have tracheae".