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Is it true or false that a template file can only be used once

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This is a false statement, not a question. Ask again using words that make it clear what you want to know.

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Q: A template file can be used only once.?
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What is a template file and what is it used for?

Many applications allow you to save the formatting you used for a particular file for reuse with future files. Some applications come with several sample templates for some types of files often prepared using the application - for example MS Word has templates for memos and MS Excel has templates for invoices. The benefit is that once you have a format that you like you can re-use that format again and again for similar files without having to go back and re-create the format. Usually the application will allow you to either start with a "new" file - which pretty much is just the default template - or to select an existing template (either one that came with the application or one that you previously created and saved as a "template" file).

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IT MEans the file can only be viewed on Power point.

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template < template-parameter-list > declaration

Which statement is used to declare templates?

template < template-parameter-list > declaration

How can a user use a template to improve efficiency?

A template is really just a pattern of anything. I once used to make wood and plexiglass ornaments, I made many templates of different designs and then placed them over sheets of wood or plexiglass and drew around the shape so I could then cut them out with a bandsaw. This technique can be used in many ways, but the pattern is usually still called the 'template'.

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Sharepoint template are used when you are doing art on a computer. It allows the user to create a template of their artwork and share it with other users.

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What materials can a template be made from?

Paper, cardboard, wax, plastic, wood, metal - it depends on the circumstances in which the template is to be used.