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Benny Wuckert

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2y ago
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15y ago

a substance that has dissolved into a liquid is called a solute the liquid in which the substance has dissolved into is called the solvent

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3mo ago

A solute.

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Q: A substance that is dissolved in liquid is called What?
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A substance that is dissolved in liquid is a what?

A substance that is dissolved in a liquid is called a solute. It can be a solid, liquid, or gas dissolved in a solvent to form a solution.

What is the liquid containing dissolved solids called solutes?

The liquid in which solids are dissolved is called a solvent. When a substance is dissolved in a solvent, it forms a solution. The dissolved substance is known as the solute.

What is the substance being dissolved into a solvent?

The substance being dissolved is called the solute.

What is the substance that gets dissolved?

The substance that gets dissolved is called the solute. It is usually a solid that dissolves in a liquid solvent to create a homogenous solution.

What is molarity a measurment of?

The concentration of a substance dissolved in a liquid.

What is a substance that can dissolve another substance called?

The substance (usually a liquid) that can dissolve another substance is called a solvent.The substance that is being dissolved in a solution is called the solute.

What is it called when liquid containing a dissolved substance?

A CLOUDY LIQUID STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is a liquid solution?

A liquid solution is a homogeneous mixture composed of two or more substances where one substance is dissolved in the other. The substance that is present in the largest amount is called the solvent, while the substance that is dissolved is called the solute. Examples include salt dissolved in water or sugar dissolved in tea.

Is a solution a liquid that dissolves another substance?

No a solution is a liquid that has another substance dissolved in it.Added:When a solute ('the other substance') is dissolved in a solvent (liquid), this will result in a solution.

What is the substance that is dissolved in a solution?

The substance that gets dissolved in a solution is called the solute. It can be a solid, liquid, or gas that is evenly distributed and dispersed throughout the solvent in a solution.

What do you calll the substance in a solution that dissolved?

The substance dissolved is called the solute. The substance that the solute is dissolved INTO is called the solvent.

A substance that is dissolved in liquid is a .?
