Just remember the parts comprise the whole. And the whole is composed of the parts. Do not use comprise like compose like "comprise of" which is wrong. It is easy to make this mistake. Example, 50 states comprise the United State of America.
100 years
a sentence for tories
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A Declarative sentence states a statement!
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The remaining isolates, from two locations, appeared to comprise a mixture of races.
The new city park will comprise several open areas for sporting activities.
The Young Artists Program will comprise over 500 grade schools nationwide.
A subject and a predicate.
A sandwich is comprised of different kinds of foods.
The two words "will build" comprise the verb in this sentence.
The Alleghenies comprise the rugged western-central portion of the Appalachians.
Comprise is a verb.
actions that comprise maternal behavior?
the bill of rights was the document that listed our freedom
The composition of the example sentnce must use the word comprise.How many ingredients does this recipe comprise?
Many individual component assemblies comprise a finished product, i.e., car, plane.