169 US ounces equals 5 liters. 169 UK ounces equals 4.8 liters.
Five liters = about 169 US fluid ounces.
169 US fluid ounces is 5 (4.99793) liters.
About 169 US fluid ounces. Google can calculate this for you.5 liters = 169.070114 oz.
There are approximately 169 fluid ounces in a 5 liter keg.
There are approximately 169 ounces in 5 liters of pop.
Five liters is equal to approximately 169 U.S. fluid ounces.
5.0 liters is equal to approximately 169 fluid ounces.
5 liters
0.3 liters is approximately 10.14 fluid ounces.
5 fluid ounces = 0.147868 liters
Three liters is 101.44 fluid ounces.