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Pakistan's flag's star has five corner's to represent the five pillars of Islam.

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Q: Why there are five corners of star on Pakistan flag?
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In a Pakistani flag a star represents the symbol of?

The crescent stands for the bright future and five corners of the star are for five pillars of Islam i.e Tauheed, Salat , Fasting, Zakat and Hajj

What country's flag has a crescent moon and a star on it?

The flag with a crescent moon and a star is Turkey's flag.

How many white stars are on the national flag of Pakistan?

Pakistan's flag has one white star.

What is the purpose of the star and the crescent in the flag of Pakistan?

Pakistan is an Islamic country and so its flag is what is called an Islamic flag. Tradition has it that Sultan Osman I had a dream involving a giant crescent moon and from then on the crescent became a Muslim symbol while the five pointed star represents the five pillars of Islam.

How many corners does a five point star have?

5*2=10 corners in total

How many corners does a star have?

A traditional star has five points. A star of david has six. A star must have at least five points, but can have infinately more. Depends on what you mean by a star. For instance are sun has no corners. But the standard way to draw a star is with 5 corners.

What is the Pakistan flag?

There is a white moon and star and there's a green backround behind the moon and the star. On the right side of the flag there is a strip of white.

Is there any five star hotel in Pakistan?

There are several five star hotels that can be found in Pakistan. These include the Islamabad Serena hotel and the Pearl Continental Lahore.

What does the Vietnam flag look like?

The flag of Vietnam has a red background with one large, yellow, five pointed star in the center.

Why does the crescent and star represent Islam on the on the Pakistan flag?

it represent the night before ramidam

What is on the Pakistan flag?

a moon and a star and it consist of two colors green and a strip of white

What is the territorial flag of Islamabad Capital Territory?

About the flag: The flag shown is a proposed flag for Islamabad - the capital of Pakistan. Dr. Tariq S Marwat, 18 September 2004. Founder Chairman - Flag Society of Pakistan. The flag for Islamabad - capital of Pakistan - is primarily based on the National Flag of Pakistan. The diagonal design is to differentiate it from the national flag. The square shape is to make the triangles symmetric. The star and crescent are 'regular' as in the national flag. The black color is added to give it a distinct look. Black was the color used for the flag at the time of the conquest of Makkah by our Holy Prophet, Muhammad (Peace be upon him).