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English and Welsh are the country's two official languages. English is spoken by close to 100% of the population and Welsh by around 20%. The use of Welsh in everyday life increases the further west and north one goes in Wales.
English is the predominant language in Wales although some 20% speak the Welsh language (Cymraeg) which appears to be growing in numbers. There are undoubtedly other languages spoken due to recent Immigration.
Wales is bilingual so it has two languages it differs in some areas of Wales for instance in South Wales English is more dominant with it being on the signs first then followed by the welsh translation, but in North Wales Welsh is more dominant than English, for example the police in north wales is Heddlu then the English for police and in south wales police would in English first then in Welsh.

Note, Heddlu is welsh for police
English, although a small minority also speak Welsh.
The main language in Wales is English.
Welsh or Cymraeg is the national language of Wales spoken by about 22% of the Welsh population.

English is the most widely spoken other language.

Actually, only about 15% of Wales is able to speak Welsh. English is spoken by almost 100%.
I am welsh and so i would generally say that the national language in wales is welsh, even though i do not speak it myself. it has only recently been approved by the welsh assembly government to be an official language but now that it has it is the national language here.
The official languages of Wales are English and Welsh. Roadsigns are offered in both languages, and a native Welsh speaker has a legal right to use his own language for nearly all official purposes. (English is always acceptable, unless there is a specific need for Welsh).
The main language used in the country of wales is welsh and English
Around 80% speak English and 20% speak Welsh (Cymraeg).
Welsh is the official language of Wales but has been dying out until recent years when there seems to have been a increase in interest in the language..
The languages they speak in Wales are English and Welsh. About 20%

speak Welsh.
English is spoken by everyone but about 20% still speak the native language Welsh.

It is a Celtic language most closely related to Breton spoken in northwest France.

The language is more distantly related to Irish and Scottish Gaelic but they are not intelligible to a Welsh speaker. The language is called Cymraeg in Welsh.
People in Wales speak Welsh (20%) and English (80%).
People in Wales normally speak English and welsh but there is a lot of diversity of nationalities so I you can think of language it is probably spoken in Wales.
Normally Welsh and English but the country is cosmopolitan and therefore other languages are spoken but in a minority

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6y ago
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15y ago

The Welsh language has had a resurgence in Wales in the last few decades, and is the main instructional language in many schools. However, nearly all Welsh people understand and can speak English.

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6y ago

The 2 official languages of Wales are:

  1. Welsh
  2. English

Technically, both languages are categorized as working languages of the National Assembly, but Welsh is the only one with "official status", making it the sole official language in any part of the United Kingdom.

The vast Majority of people speak English.

Here is a list of the most common and indigenous languages in Wales:

  1. English
  2. Welsh
  3. Welsh Romani (Kååle)
  4. British Sign Language (with Welsh variants)

There are also immigrant languages in Wales, notably South Asian languages such as Punjabi.

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10y ago

Welsh is the official language of Wales. People in Wales may also speak English in some parts of the country.

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14y ago

Welsh and English are the official languages

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15y ago

The two main languages spoken in Wales are Welsh and English but obviously other languages may also be spoken by people from different racial backgrounds and also by language students.

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14y ago

Welsh and English as a basic standard plus there are a great number of transient European s where they speak Polish, Portuguese etc

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11y ago

It is classified as a Celtic language and is related to Breton (and Cornish) and more distantly related to Irish and Scottish Gaelic.

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12y ago

English and Welsh are the main languages.

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13y ago

The main language in Wales is English.

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How many languages are spoken in Wales?

lots but mainly english and welsh