

South Pole

Located in the southernmost portion of the Earth, South Pole is on the opposite side of the North Pole. Situated on the Antarctic continent, it is one of the points where the Earth’s surface intersects with its axis of rotation.

910 Questions

Which half of the earth has more land the part north of the equator or south of it?

The part north of the equator has more land mass compared to the part south of the equator. The majority of Earth's land area is located north of the equator, with continents like North America, Europe, and Asia situated in the northern hemisphere.

What animals live in the south pole instead of penguins and seals?

Other animals that live in the South Pole include whales, albatrosses, and various species of seabirds. Additionally, some fish, krill, and smaller invertebrates can also be found in the waters surrounding the South Pole.

What is the point farthest to south on the Earth?

The point farthest south on Earth is the South Pole, located at approximately 90 degrees south latitude. It is the southernmost point on the Earth's surface.

What is the landscape of the south pole?

The landscape of the South Pole is mostly covered in ice and snow, with glaciers, ice shelves, and frozen lakes. The terrain is generally flat and desolate, with very few plants or animals present. Strong winds can create snow drifts and icy features across the region.

What is the distance between Kaaba and south pole?

The distance between the Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and the South Pole is approximately 7,869 miles (12,650 km) as the crow flies.

Where was antarctica located durinh the super continent age?

During the supercontinent age, Antarctica was located near the South Pole as part of the supercontinent Gondwana. Over millions of years due to continental drift, Antarctica drifted towards its current location at the South Pole.

What shows all lines of latitude and all lines of longitude?

A world map shows all lines of latitude and longitude. Lines of latitude run parallel to the equator and are also known as parallels, while lines of longitude converge at the poles and are known as meridians. Together, they form a grid system that helps in pinpointing any location on Earth.

Is Argentina or South Africa farther from the North Pole?

The northern edges of Argentina and South Africa are almost exactly the same distance from the North Pole, but the southern tip of Argentina is much farther south than the southern tip of South Africa.

What are south and north latitudes?

South latitude measures the position south of the equator, while north latitude measures the position north of the equator. They are measured in degrees, ranging from 0° at the equator to 90° at the poles.

Which Norwegian explorer reached the South Pole first in 1911?

Roald Amundsen was the Norwegian explorer who reached the South Pole first in 1911, beating the British expedition led by Robert Falcon Scott. Amundsen's expedition was successful due to careful planning and a focus on efficiency.

Do longitude lines run from pole to pole?

Yes, longitude lines run from pole to pole, connecting the North Pole to the South Pole. They are also known as meridians and are used to measure how far east or west a location is from the Prime Meridian.

Does the South Pole receive the Longest period of daylight on June 21st?

No, the South Pole experiences a period of complete darkness during its winter months, including on June 21st. This is due to its location within the Antarctic Circle, where the sun does not rise above the horizon for several months during the austral winter.

Can polar bears survive in the south pole?

Polar bears are not found in the South Pole; they are typically found in the Arctic regions. The South Pole is uninhabitable for polar bears due to the lack of ice, their primary habitat for hunting and survival.

Why does the south magnetic pole move?

The movement of the South Magnetic Pole is mainly due to changes in the Earth's magnetic field caused by the flow of molten iron in the outer core. These changes can be influenced by various factors, such as shifts in the distribution of mass within the Earth, the Sun's activity, and interactions with other magnetic fields.

What prevents wind from blowing directly for the north pole to the south pole?

The rotation of the Earth creates the Coriolis effect, which causes wind to be deflected as it moves from the poles toward the equator. This deflection helps to steer the wind into prevailing global wind patterns such as the westerlies and the trade winds, rather than blowing directly from pole to pole.

What is a imaginary line running down the middle of the Atlantic from the North Pole to the South Pole?

The imaginary line running down the middle of the Atlantic from the North Pole to the South Pole is called the Prime Meridian. It is the 0-degree longitude line from which all other longitudes are measured.

How many degrees of longitude is the north magnetic pole from 180 degrees longitude?

An exhaustive search of internet resources spanning no less than 4 minutes

turned up the following estimate for the 2012 position of the Earth's north

magnetic pole:

85.9°N / 147.0°WIf these figures are correct, and I have neither the resources nor the desire to

dispute them, then they place it some 283 miles from the geographic north pole,

and 33 degrees of longitude ... some 163 miles ... due east of the 180th meridian.

(Of course, the Earth's circumference at that latitude is only something like 1,780 miles.)

How many degrees is it around the earth to the north pole?

It is 90 degrees from the equator to the North Pole in terms of latitude.

Is the north pole colder or warmer then the south pole?

The North Pole is generally colder than the South Pole. This is because the Arctic Ocean at the North Pole can release heat more easily than the landmass of Antarctica at the South Pole, which helps to moderate temperatures in the southern hemisphere.

What area is around the south pole?

Around the South Pole is the continent of Antarctica. Antarctica is a frozen, largely uninhabited landmass covered by ice and snow. It is known for its extreme cold temperatures and unique wildlife, such as penguins and seals.

Do sharks live at the south pole?

Yes. Most sharks are found in warm seas.

What is the farthest south and what is its latitude?

The farthest point south on Earth is the geographic South Pole. Its latitude is 90 degrees south.

What was the first man to get to the south pole?

Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen was the first person to reach the South Pole on December 14, 1911. He led a team of five men and dogs on the expedition, beating British explorer Robert Falcon Scott's group by about a month.

Why do the areas in frigid zone have six months day followed by six months of night?

The frigid zones experience six months of daylight followed by six months of darkness due to the tilt of the Earth on its axis. This tilt causes the angle of sunlight to vary throughout the year, creating the phenomenon of polar day and polar night at high latitudes. During polar day, the sun never sets, while during polar night, the sun remains below the horizon for an extended period.