

Newt Gingrich

Newt Gingrich (born June 17, 1943) is the former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and is a Republican presidential candidate for the 2012 election.

92 Questions

What is newt Gingrich criminal record?

As of October 2021, Newt Gingrich does not have a criminal record. He served as the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999 and has been involved in politics for many years, but there is no public information indicating that he has been convicted of any criminal offenses.

Are the Republicans in favor of Newt Gingrich as the 2012 Republican Presidential candidate?

Generally speaking, Republicans had mixed opinions on Newt Gingrich as the 2012 presidential candidate. While some Republicans supported Gingrich for his experience and conservative principles, others had concerns about his personal and political baggage. Ultimately, the majority of Republicans did not favor Gingrich, as he was not able to secure the party's nomination and Mitt Romney became the Republican candidate in the 2012 election.

Was Newt Gingrich kicked out of congress by his peers?

No, Newt Gingrich was not kicked out of Congress by his peers. However, he resigned as Speaker of the House and from his congressional seat in 1998 after facing internal party criticism and ethics-related issues.

Is Newt Gingrich conservative?

Yes, Newt Gingrich is considered a conservative. He was a prominent figure in the Republican Party and served as Speaker of the House from 1995 to 1999. Gingrich is known for his conservative views on issues such as limited government, lower taxes, and strong national defense.

Did Newt Gingrich increase the power of the speaker of the house?

Yes, Newt Gingrich significantly increased the power of the Speaker of the House during his tenure from 1995 to 1999. He pursued an aggressive agenda that centralized power and authority in the Speaker's office, enabling him to exert greater control over the legislative process and party discipline. Gingrich also implemented various procedural reforms to streamline the passage of Republican priorities and strengthen the authority of the Speaker.

Was Newt Gingrich ever in the armed forces?

No, Newt Gingrich was declared unfit for service due to flat feet and near-sightedness. However, his adopted father was a career army officer that served in Korea and Vietnam. Gingrich is pro-military. He has also been quoted as saying, "Given everything I believe in, a large part of me thinks I should have gone over."

How deep is Newt Gingrich in bed with the Moonie Cult?

There is no concrete evidence to suggest that Newt Gingrich is deeply involved with the Moonie cult or the Unification Church. While Gingrich has spoken at a few events affiliated with the church, such as the Washington Times Foundation, this does not necessarily indicate a significant connection or support. It's important to rely on factual information and avoid making unsubstantiated claims.

How big is newt gingrich?

His life sized standup, as it appears at the Hollywood Shoppe is 6 feet tall. They appear to at least aimed at accuracy: the Bush standup is 5'11" and Abe Lincoln is 6'3". Newt's standup weighs only 5 pounds, though, so it's obviously not as true to life as it could be.

A Google image search shows that he's shorter than Bill Clinton. It shows also that he appears to be of average height--he does not seem exceptionally tall or short.

Where did Newt Gingrich go to college?

Newt Gingrich went to Emory University (BA)Tulane University (MA, PhD)

Newt Gingrich was representative from which state?

Newt Gingrich served as a representative from Georgia.

Is Newt Gingrich a convicted felon?

Newt Gingrich (R-GA), the former Speaker of the House, was accused of financial improprieties which led to a House reprimand and $300,000 in sanctions leading to his resignation in 1997. He was not convicted of any criminal activity in any court.

Is newt Gingrich a Freemason?

I would sure like to know. He says he has no role in the Masons! What is that supposed to mean??

Did Roman Catholic Church grant Newt Gingrich annulments of his previous marriages in return for monetary compensation?

I can not answer how many annulments Newt may have received. I am aware of one and that was to his second wife. When Newt married her, she was a divorcee. The Catholic Church does not recognize divorce so considered his marriage to her as being invalid. Newt is a recent convert, or convert in progress, to Catholicism. It is not a matter of public record of what his current status as a Catholic is at this time nor am I able to find any references to other annulments.

Does Newt Gingrich have a wife?

Newt Gingrich

Married to Jackie Battley, Marianne Ginther, Callista Bisek.

Did newt Gingrich serve divorce papers to his dying wife?

Yes, he served her with divorce papers while in the hospital. His second wife was with him. She was having non-cancerous tumors removed, the cancer had already been cut out.

Why did Newt Gingrich resign from speaker?

He stole money from a charity he controlled/ he diverted it to his campaign and personal use/// got off the hook with a $300k fine the biggest ever[ should have went to jail.] His own party tossed him out of the speaker ship and to this day have great disdain- he subsequently resigned Congress in disgrace...

What a real discrace is, is your english. You said, "should have went to jail".

Should have gone to jail is correct.

Please remember to use this tense after the words have and had.

Thanks Dude

Is Newt Gingrich on Fox News pay role?

Newt Gingrich IS listed as a Fox New Contributor. This means Fox News can call on him to participate in panels or as an expert in his field and pay him for that appearance as they do someone like Juan Williams or Sarah Palin.

However, once Newt Gingrich entered into the race for President of the United States, he can no longer be used in that capacity. Any appearance he makes on Fox News is that of a candidate and he receives NO payment for that appearance. Each candidate is generally offered equal time and they do NOT receive payment for their appearance. Each candidate considers time spent on a National News network as free advertising.