


The Incas were spread along the west coast of South America. They were prominent from the 12th to the 16th centuries. They are known for their art, architecture, mathematics, and astronomy.

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Did the incas worship the sun?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, the Incas worshiped the sun as a deity, known as Inti. They believed that the sun was the source of life and provided warmth and sustenance to all living things. Sun worship played a significant role in Inca religion and rituals.

Did the Inca have sundials?

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Yes, the Inca civilization did have sundials. They used these sundials, known as Intihuatana, for timekeeping and astronomical observations. The Intihuatana stones were placed in strategic locations to align with the sun's position during solstices and equinoxes.

The Mayans mapped out the phases of both the?

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The Mayans mapped out the phases of both the moon and Venus with great accuracy. They used observatories and recorded their observations in codices to track the movements of these celestial bodies in relation to their calendar system. This allowed them to predict astronomical events and align them with important cultural and religious ceremonies.

Did the Incas believe in the sun god?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, the Incas believed in Inti, the sun god, and considered him the most important deity in their religion. Inti was believed to be the ancestor of the Incas and the source of life on Earth. The Incas built temples and conducted rituals to honor Inti and ensure his favor and blessings.

Why did the Inca worship the sun god?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Inca worshipped the sun god, Inti, because they believed that the sun was the source of life and sustenance. They believed that Inti was the most important deity, responsible for providing warmth, light, and fertility to the Earth. Worship of Inti also helped legitimize the authority of the Inca rulers, who claimed to be descended from the sun god.

What is the name of the Inca sun god?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Inca sun god is named Inti. Inti was considered the most important deity in the Inca religion, representing the sun and symbolizing power and fertility.

What was the Inca sun god's name?

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The name of the Inca sun god is Inti.The name of the Inca sun god is Inti.

Does france have good farm land?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, France has some of the best farmland in Europe, with fertile soil and a mild climate suitable for a variety of crops. The country is known for its diverse agricultural production, including fruits, vegetables, grains, and wine. France is also renowned for its agricultural expertise and techniques.

What was the Inca's geography?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Inca Empire was located in the Andes Mountains of South America, encompassing present-day Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and parts of Chile and Argentina. The geography of the region was characterized by rugged terrain, high altitudes, diverse ecosystems, and a range of climates from tropical rainforests to high deserts. The Inca adapted to this environment by building terraced agricultural fields, irrigation systems, and an extensive network of roads and bridges to connect their empire.

What are Inca natural resources?

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The Incas had access to a diverse range of natural resources due to their expansive empire, including fertile land for agriculture, precious metals like gold and silver, and abundant wildlife for hunting. They also utilized natural fibers such as cotton and alpaca wool for textiles, and had access to a variety of medicinal plants and herbs for healing purposes.

Why northeastern farmers could grow a wide variety of crops?

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Asked by Wiki User

Northeastern farmers could grow a wide variety of crops due to the region's diverse climate and soil conditions, which were suitable for different types of plants. The varying topography and access to water sources also contributed to the ability to cultivate a range of crops. Additionally, crop rotation and new agricultural practices helped sustain the fertility of the land, allowing for continued cultivation of different types of crops.

How did the Incas use their natural resources?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Incas utilized their natural resources for construction, agriculture, and crafts. They mined precious metals like gold and silver for ornamentation and currency, built intricate stone structures using quarried stones, terraced mountainsides for farming, and wove textiles from llama and alpaca wool. This utilization of natural resources played a crucial role in the Inca civilization's development and sustainability.

Facts about the Incas?

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The Inca Empire was a powerful pre-Columbian civilization in South America that existed from the 15th to 16th centuries. They were known for their advanced agricultural techniques, such as terrace farming, and their extensive road network. The Inca capital was located in Cusco, in present-day Peru. They also built impressive structures like Machu Picchu.

How Did Atahualpa Die?

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Atahualpa, the last ruling Inca emperor, was executed by the Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro in 1533. Pizarro had Atahualpa killed by strangulation after a mock trial to remove him as a potential threat to Spanish rule in the region.

What are the climate zone where the Incas lived in?

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Asked by Gloria Urquiza Garay

The Incas lived in the Andean mountains of South America, which encompass a variety of climate zones including tropical rainforest, temperate highlands, and arid deserts. This diverse environment allowed the Inca civilization to adapt and thrive in various conditions.

What was the landform in the Inca empire?

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The Inca Empire was situated in the Andes Mountains, a rugged and mountainous landform that provided natural defenses and served as a strategic location for the Inca civilization. The Andes also offered diverse ecosystems and resources that contributed to the Inca's agricultural, economic, and cultural prosperity.

Which geographic feature likely shaped life in the Inca empire?

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Asked by IbrahimAdigunfb2566

The Andes Mountains likely shaped life in the Inca Empire by providing natural defenses, limiting communication and trade with neighboring groups, and influencing the development of terrace farming techniques to support agriculture in the high-altitude region.

What is the main geographic feature of the Inca empire?

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The main geographic feature of the Inca empire was the Andes Mountains. The empire stretched along the western coast of South America, encompassing a diverse range of environments from mountains to deserts to tropical forests. The Andes provided natural barriers and served as a source of valuable resources for the Inca civilization.

What geographic feature likely shaped life in the Inca Empire?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Andes Mountains likely shaped life in the Inca Empire by providing natural defenses against invasions, as well as influencing the development of terrace farming and irrigation systems to deal with the challenging terrain. The mountains also facilitated the creation of an extensive road network that helped connect the different regions of the empire.

What is south Americas third largest country and heart of the Inca empire?

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Peru is the third largest country in South America and was the heart of the Inca Empire, known for its archaeological sites such as Machu Picchu and cultural heritage.

Why was Cuzco a better location for the Inca capital then quito?

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Cuzco was chosen as the Inca capital because of its strategic defensive position high in the Andes Mountains, its central location within the Inca Empire, and its proximity to agricultural lands. Quito, on the other hand, was located in a valley surrounded by mountains that made it more vulnerable to attacks and difficult to control compared to Cuzco.

What were the south American mountains that were home to the incas?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Andes Mountains were home to the Inca civilization in South America. These mountains span seven countries including Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador. The Inca capital, Cusco, was located in the Andes Mountains of modern-day Peru.

What does the implementation of terrace farming tell you about the geography of the Inca empire?

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Asked by Wiki User

The implementation of terrace farming by the Inca empire suggests that they inhabited mountainous regions with steep terrain and limited flat land for agriculture. Terrace farming allowed them to maximize agricultural production by creating flat areas for cultivation on the slopes of mountains. This geographical feature influenced their agricultural practices and contributed to their ability to sustain a large population in challenging environments.

How was the Inca able to farm on mountainous lands?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Inca used terrace farming by creating step-like platforms on the mountainside. These terraces helped prevent soil erosion, captured water for irrigation, and created flat land for planting crops. Additionally, they developed advanced agriculture techniques such as using natural fertilizers and different crop varieties suited for high altitudes.

How did the incas adapt to the geographic location?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Incas adapted to their geographic location by constructing terrace farming to maximize agricultural production in the mountainous terrain, developing an extensive system of roads and bridges to navigate the rugged landscape, and building cities and structures with earthquake-resistant techniques to withstand seismic activity in the region.