

Clifton Suspension Bridge

The Clifton Suspension Bridge crosses the River Avon, and was opened in 1864. The bridge is considered a major landmark in Bristol.

19 Questions

Does the Clifton suspension bridge cross a river or lake in London?

The Clifton Suspension Bridge is located in Bristol, England, spanning the Avon Gorge and the River Avon.

Why was the clifton suspension bridge important?

Isimbard kingdom Brunel desighned it and it won a medal or somethin or nothin

Why was the clifton suspension bridge built where it is?

to get to the other side


To cut off what would otherwise be either a long detour up-valley from its location, or a shorter detour down-stream that would descend to the River Avon, a ferry crossing and ascent on the other side.

Why was clifton suspension bridge built?

The Clifton Suspension Bridge had a long drawn out building history. The bridge was started in 1832 but not completed until 1864, over 30 years later.

What materials were used to make the clifton suspension bridge?

The towers were made of pennant stone. The cables were long metal bars stuck together and the suspension cables were iron rods. The anchorages are concrete houses.

How high is the Clifton Suspension Bridge?

Total length, anchorage to anchorage 1,352 ft (414 m)

How many cars does the clifton suspension bridge carry each year?

The Clifton Suspension Bridge -constructed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel- carries 4 million cars and other vehicles each year.

What projects did Isambard Kingdom Brunel design?

Isambard Kingdom Brunel designed the Thames Tunnel, Paddington Station, the Royal Albert Bridge, and the Clifton Suspension Bridge. He also designed ships.

Is the Clifton suspension bridge still used?

Yes, the bridge is still used by over 4 million vehicles per year of up to 4 tons weight. This is because the engineers who completed the bridge in 1864, John Hawkshaw & W H Barlow, made it far stronger than originally designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel, who had died in 1859. The bridge is his memorial, paid for by his fellow engineers.

What is Isambard Kingdom Brunel most well known for?

Isambard Kingdom Brunel is known for revolutionizing modern engineering, naval engineering and public transport. His work on the Clifton Suspension Bridge played an important role in defining his legacy.

Who designed the Clifton suspension bridge?

Isambard Kingdom Brunel created the original design, however he died before work on the bridge was completed and some modifications to the design were made by William Henry Barlow and Sir John Hawkshaw.

Can you get into wales using the clifton suspension bridge?

Not directly as the Clifton is set on the outskirts of Bristol and you would need to travel across the city to the M32 then the M4