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The Prime Minister lives at 10 Downing Street, London England.

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The prime minister lives in 10 downing street.

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Q: Where the prime minister of England lives?
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What was the street number of England's Prime Minister?

The Prime Minister lives at 10 Downing St. , London. He is Prime Minister of the United Kingdom which is England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, not just England.

Where does the prime minister of England lives?

10 Downing Street

Does the Prime Minister live in England?

No. The Prime Minister lives at the official residence provided for him/her - No 10, Downing Street, London. There is also another official residence in the countryside called Chequers. He/she may also have their private home in their constituency.

What street does the England prime minister live on?

S/he lives at 10 Downing Street.

Where does the governor of England live?

England doesn't have a governor. The Prime Minister lives in 10 Downing Street in London.

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No one is, there is no prime minister of Nottingham forest, but the prime minister of England is the prime minister of Nottingham

Where does the ruler live in England?

The Queen lives mostly in Buckingham Palace and the Prime Minister lives mostly in 10 Downing Street.

Was Margret Thatcher prime minister of England?

Yes she was the first female prime minister of the UK (England)

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The Prime Minister of Jamaica lives at the official Prime Minister's Residence Vale Royal.

Where lives the prime minister?

The Prime Minister of the UK is Gordon Brown. He lives at 10 Downing Street, London.

How many prime minister in England?

England only has one prime minister at a time. even now. (One Prime minister, one...vice(?)) But we have had 71 to date.

Who was the Prime Minister of England at the time1948?

Clement Attlee was the British prime minister