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Q: Which is a business owned and operated by a single individual?
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A business thst is owned and operated by a single individual is know as a proprietorship?

A business that is owned and operated by a single individual is know as a proprietorship

A business that is owned and operated by a single individual is known as what kind of proprietorship?

sole proprietorshipSOLEsole

What is A business that is owned and operated by a single individual is known as a what proprietorship?

sole A sole-trader.

What is the difference between individual ownership and partnership?

Sole proprietorships are businesses that are owned and operated by a single business owner.

What is a business owned and ran by one person?

A business owned and operated by one individual is known as a sole proprietorship.

What is a business that is owned by single individual?


What is A business owned by a single individual called?

A proprietorship.

What is a sole propietorship?

A Business owned and managed by a single individual , (;

Business owned and managed by a single individual?

This is called a sole proprietorship.

What is free market system?

It means the the business is privately owned and operated. It is not owned or controlled by the goverment.

What is meaning of independently owned and operated?

Independently owned and operated means that a business is owned and controlled by an individual or a group of individuals rather than being part of a larger corporation or chain. This allows the owner to make decisions and run the business without interference from a corporate entity.

Before 1860 most factories and mills were owned and operated by?

Before 1860, most factories and mills were owned and operated by individual partnerships. They had small labor unions and kept all of their business dealings local.