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  • Arabic: بيت (bayt)
  • Bulgarian: Жилище (jilishche)
  • Catalan: Llar (leyar)
  • Dutch: thuis
  • Estonian: kodu
  • Farsi: خانصان(khanzan)
  • Finnish: koti
  • French: domicile
  • Korean: 가정 (gajeong)
  • Hebrew: ביתה (baita)
  • Italian: residenza
  • Latin: domicilium
  • Portuguese: lar
  • Romanian: domiciliu
  • Spanish: hogar
  • Swedish: hem
  • Vietnamese: chỗ ở
Spanish is also casa (more common); French is maison [may-zohn] or chez-moi [shay-mwa] both more common; Hawai`ian is home [ho-may], kauhale [cow-ha-lay], or ohana [O-ha-na] all most commonly used
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It is 'otthon' in Hungarian.

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Q: What is the word home in other language?
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