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Q: The name Canada comes from an Iroquois word, Kinaata, which means village true or false?
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What is the world's second hardest riddle?

I think this is a really good riddle, whether your opinion is different:A man is driving down a road when he comes to a pair of crossroads. He stops, gets out of his car, and walks up. He doesn't know which way to go.In front of him he sees two men. They both speak in unison:"One road leads to the village of honesty. One road leads to the village of lies. One of us is from the village of honesty, and will speak the truth. One of us if from the village of lies, and will not speak the truth. We know which of us is from which town, but we will not tell you. You may ask us only one question. You must choose which to ask, and ask that man only one question.""Once you go into one village, we will shut the gate behind you and lock it. You will stay there forever"The man is puzzled. He could ask 'which is the way to the village of honesty' but if he gets told the answer by the liar, he will end up in the village of lies.Finally, he realizes how he can ask a question to a man of his choice, and he will be able to find the way to the village of honesty.What did the man ask? Scroll down for the answer.The answer is 2.The man asks to a man of his choice:"If I ask the other man the way to the village of lies, where will he point?"This way, the man from the village of honesty will know the other man is from the village of lies, know he will lie, and point to the village of honesty.However, the man from the village of lies will know that the other man is from the village of honesty, and will point to the village of lies. But, of course, he is a liar, and will point to the village of honesty.The man knows the way. They have both pointed to the village of honesty.

What is the meaning of the name Vincent?

The name Vincent comes from the English origin. In English The meaning of the name Vincent is: Conquering.

What comes after the climax in a story?

The 'falling action' comes after the climax in a story.

Que comes mucho?

Que comes mucho means, "That you eat a lot." BUT, Qué comes mucho means, "What do you eat a lot (of)?" Be careful because the accents are important.

What gose up when rain comes down?

What goes up when rain comes down is an umbrella.

Related questions

Which country comes from an Iroquois word meaning community?

Canada. The word comes from kanata, an Iroquois word meaning village or settlement.

Canada comes from Kanata the huron-Iroquois word for village or settlement that was used to refer to the site of present day?

kanata is the canadian name for village or settlement

What does the name Canada mean?

The name Canada comes from the Amerindian word Kanatha which means 'village'.

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Why is Canada canlled Canada?

The name Canada comes from a St. Lawrence Iroquoian word, kanata, meaning "village" or "settlement".

Canada is an Indian word meaning?

Canada is St. Lawrence Iroquoian word, meaning village or settlement.Please see the related link below for more information:

From where does the name Canada come from?

The name Canada most likely comes from a St. Lawrence Iroquoian word kanata, meaning "village" or "settlement". In 1535, inhabitants of the present-day Quebec City region used the word to direct explorer Jacques Cartier toward the village of Stadacona. Cartier used the word 'Canada' to refer to not only that village, but the entire area. By 1545, European books and maps began referring to this region as Canada

What did Canada mean to the Native Americans that lived there?

The name Canada comes from the St. Lawrence Iroquoian word kanata, meaning "village" or "settlement". The tribe whose language it comes from are likely to have become extinct in the 17th or 18th century.The name Quebec comes from Mi'kmaq kepe:k, meaning narrows or "it narrows".For other native American groups these words would have no meaning at all.

Where did Canada come from?

From an Aboriginal word for village. We have a saying, In Canada, it takes a Canada.

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Kisame comes from the village hidden in the mist (kirigakure) DjCandy [:3

Is Lake Erie an Indian name?

Yes. It comes from the Iroquois tribe known as the Erie Indians, Erie short for Erielhonan which means "long tail" in Iroquois.

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