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It's a stratovolcano with a summit caldera, and the caldera formed after the colossal eruption around 1750 B.C.

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Mount Veniaminof is an active stratovolcano located on the Alaska Peninsula in Alaska, USA. It has a summit elevation of 8,225 feet (2,507 meters) and is one of the most active volcanoes in the state. The volcano has had numerous eruptions in the past century, with its most recent eruption occurring in 2018.

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What fult is mount veniaminof?

The San Andreas Fault.

Is veniaminof active or summit or extinct?

Veniaminof is an active volcano

What type of eruptions does Mount Veniaminof create?

Mount Veniaminof in Alaska is known for producing mainly effusive eruptions, where lava flows steadily out of the volcano and accumulates at the surface. These eruptions can be characterized by relatively low levels of explosivity. However, the volcano has also experienced occasional explosive eruptions in the past.

What is Veniaminof's elevation?

8,225 feet (2,507 meters)

What kind of volcano is the veniaminof volcano?

A Strato volcano or a composite volcano.

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