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It is a toy made by a man for his children and then as gifts for children whose families weren't well off. It is almost entirely wooden and is a very safe toy for young children and the design is a New Zealand one. I should have added that it has become, over the years, a very popular toy both with parents and with children. It has lovely bright colours and makes a clacking sound as it is pulled along with it's string.

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โˆ™ 12y ago
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โˆ™ 15y ago

yes, it is sold all over the world in other countries

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โˆ™ 15y ago

The building with all the political debates and things are held, it is found in Wellington.

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โˆ™ 11y ago

It is a toy that is unique to New Zealand and was very popular particularly back in the 60's and 70's.

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Q: How is the buzzy bee a New Zealand icon?
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What year did the buzzy bee originate?

The buzzy bee toy was popular in New Zealand. It originated in the 1930s by a man named Maurice Scheslinger.

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Why is the buzzy bee important to New Zealanders?

the Buzzy bee is important to nz because of it backround and its features

What are two questions about New Zealand where the answer also starts with b?

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Buzzy Bee and Friends - 2009 is rated/received certificates of: New Zealand:G

When was Buzzy Bee created?

Buzzy Bee was created in 1950.

Who invented the buzzy bee?

Maurice Schlesinger invented the buzzy bee toy in the 1950s in New Zealand. It became a popular toy for children due to its simple yet entertaining design.

What material is buzzy bee made off?

n the buzzy bee there is plastic,string,wood and metal

What is the maori word for buzzy bee?

The Maori word for buzzy bee is "pฤซpฤซwharauroa."

Where does the material come from to make the buzzy bee?

in the buzzy bee there is plastic,string,(rope),WOOD and metal hope you like this Answer

What do you get when iPhone a bee?

A buzzy signal!