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Natural sciences look into physical, observable phenomena. The humanities, or human sciences, look into human culture and all that it encompasses.

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Q: Difference between natural science and humanities?
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What is the different between humanities and natural science?

Humanities study human culture, history, language, and philosophy, while natural science focuses on the physical world and natural phenomena through observation, experimentation, and mathematical models. Humanities explore the human experience and creativity, while natural science seeks to understand the natural world through empirical evidence and scientific methods.

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The correct answer is Associated of science trust me i had this one

What is the difference between natural science research and social science research?

A natural environment is the environment which surrounds or that we live in while a social environment is the environment of people that surround us.

What is the difference between arts and science?

Science is the study of physical and natural surroundings. Arts is the expression or drawing of human creative skill and imagination.

What is the difference between an AAA and and AS degree?

A.S degree is Associate of Science and is typically awarded in mathematics or physical sciences. A.A. is Associate of Arts and is typically awarded in the arts or humanities classes.

What is Science and Humanity Research?

Answer this question.Science and Humanities research has important practical and theoretical significance. Development of natural science to human society tremendous progress, but there has been an unprecedented development of human predicament, there divergence between man and nature, man and man and man and himself divergence divergence. So what we have to science, science should reflect on how to develop, in order to seek resolution strategy. Based on the relationship between science and humanities as well as large scale discussion of postmodern anti scientific thought, we propose a scientific humanistic issues.

What is human is science?

Answer this question.Science and Humanities research has important practical and theoretical significance. Development of natural science to human society tremendous progress, but there has been an unprecedented development of human predicament, there divergence between man and nature, man and man and man and himself divergence divergence. So what we have to science, science should reflect on how to develop, in order to seek resolution strategy. Based on the relationship between science and humanities as well as large scale discussion of postmodern anti scientific thought, we propose a scientific humanistic issues.

By elaborating what is a curriculium of general studies including?

The curriculum of general studies includes fine arts, literature, humanities, mathematics, natural science, history, and social and behavioral science.

Is Humanities part of biology?

Humanities is a separate academic discipline from biology. Biology is a natural science that focuses on the study of all living organisms and their interactions, while humanities encompass subjects like literature, philosophy, history, and art that explore human culture and society.

What is the difference between reading and science?

There is no difference.

What is the difference between general science and science?
