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There is no base for the word "word"

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4mo ago

The base part of a word is the main part that carries the core meaning. It is the word without any prefixes or suffixes attached.

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Q: What is the base base part of word?
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Is the er in container a suffix?

No, the "-er" in "container" is not a suffix. It is part of the base word and does not change the word's meaning or function. A suffix is a word part added to the end of a base word to form a new word or modify its meaning.

What is a Base or root of a word?

The base or root of a word is the main part that carries the core meaning. It is the part of the word that cannot be further divided without losing its essential meaning. Prefixes and suffixes can be added to the base or root to create new words.

How do you call the second part of a two-part word?

The second part of a two-part word is called a "suffix." Suffixes are added to the end of a base word to create a new word with a different meaning.

What is stem word?

It is the base part of a word that has prefixes or suffixes. For instance, the word: decentralization base: Centralize prefix: de- suffix: -tion necessity base: necessary suffix: -ity

How do identify the base word and the ending of isolated?

The base word in "isolated" is "isolate" and the ending is "-d." The base word is the main part of the word that carries the meaning, and the ending is a suffix that can change the word's form or function.

What part of speech is the word base word?

Word is always a noun; a word base word is a noun.

Is the word sub base one word?

Yes, as an architectural term.It is subbase or sub-base to mean a baseboard or lowest pedestal part.

Which of these forms the base of a word?

The base of a word is the main part of the word that cannot be further divided into smaller meaningful parts. It is the core element that carries the essential meaning of the word.

Is unintentional a root word or a base word?
