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the eastern orthodox church which has been established 2000 years ago by Jesus and his Apostles. Another important thing is that the Eastern Orthodox Church was is the second largest church in the world

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Q: What is east orthodox church?
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The Eastern Orthodox Church

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There was no such thing as east and west of Byzantine. The Byzantine Empire was not divided into east and west. Its official religion was Orthodox Christianity, which is sometimes also called Eastern Orthodox to distinguish it from the Oriental Orthodox Churches. The latter is an umbrella term for a number of Churches which hare separate from the mainstream Orthodox Churches found among the Egyptians, the Syrians and the Armenians (the Coptic Church, the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, the Syriac Orthodox Church, and the Armenian Apostolic Church).

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The equivalent of Nun of the Catholique Church is Kalogrea of the East Orthodox Church

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Yes, there are groups that split from the Eastern Orthodox Church. The so called "Nestorians," now known as the Church of the East, or the Assyrian Church of the East; the so-called "Monophysites," now known as the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Syrian Orthodox Church, The Malankara Church, the Ethiopian Tewahedo Church, the Coptic Church, and the Eritrean Orthodox Church; the Roman Catholic Church. All of these "splits" resulted in new organizations that have never reconciled completely with the Orthodox Churches. Also, splits more "within" the Orthodox Church that have been reconciled in some cases, and not in other cases (some small groups believe they they alone carry on the Orthodox Church, and that the current Orthodox Churches are no longer Orthodox) Old Rite or Old Believers, Old Calendarists (several different organizations), Catacomb Church in Russia (which is virtually extinct; new varieties seem to come into existence frequently). Nationalist driven splits-the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is the only large grop that insists on being on its own, while its Mother Church, the Russian Orthodox Church, does not sanction the unilateral declaration of "independence," as that is not how is has been traditionally done within the Church.

How do you use schism in a sentence?

The schism in the Christian Church (A.D. 1054) brought about two groups - the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church in the East.

Does the American Orthodox Catholic Church worship on Saturdays?

There is an Orthodox Church and a Catholic Church. There is no Catholic Orthodox Church.

Greek orthodox church is also known as the?

Eastern Orthodox Church (or the Christian Orthodox Church).

What term is used to describe the split in Christianity that resulted in the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church?

The East-West Schism - APEX

Why do Protestants believe in sole religious relevance of the Bible if the Bible was compiled by the Catholic Church in a specific political environment?

A:Rightly or wrongly, both Catholics and Protestants (and Orthodox) believe in the relevance of the Old Testament, which was compiled by the Jews. The New Testament was completed by around 150 CE, long before there was truly a Catholic Church, an Orthodox Church or any Protestant Church. We can not separate the Catholic Church from the Orthodox Churches until the Great Schism of 1054. In fact, for most of Christian history until several centuries after Christ, the powerhouse of Christian learning was in the Orthodox east. The entire New Testament was written in Greek, the language of the Orthodox east, and most of the important early Christian scholars were from the east. If anything, Catholics and Protestants owe their debt to the Orthodox east.

When was orthodox found?

The Orthodox Church as it is today was established at the Great Schism of 1054, when Christianity split into the East (Eastern Orthodoxy) and the West (Roman Catholicism).

Greek Orthodox Church began when?

The Orthodox Christian Church (also referred to as the Eastern Orthodox Church or Greek Orthodox Church) claims that it began in the year 33 AD, on the Day of Pentecost. At that time, there was no such thing as a Catholic or Orthodox Church, as everyone was part of the One Church. However, in 1054 AD, the West broke away and formed what is now known as the Roman Catholic Church. Following this, numerous Protestant groups were formed in the West, whereas the East remained united and unchanged, as the one Church that continued from 33 AD to the present day.

Did the eastern church become the Greek Orthodox church?

No, the Greek Orthodox church is a part of the Eastern Orthodox Churches.