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Football,cricket,tennis,rug bee and canoing

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Q: What is the national sport in Great Britain?
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Related questions

Why is Association football and cricket the national sport of great Britain?

Because cricket is the only sport we are good at and football is popular

When was Great Britain national kabaddi team created?

Great Britain national kabaddi team was created in 1992.

What has the author Great Britain written?

Great Britain has written: 'National Population Projections'

When was Great Britain national field hockey team created?

Great Britain national field hockey team was created in 1920.

When was Great Britain men's national basketball team created?

Great Britain men's national basketball team was created in 2005.

What is the Favourite sport in Britain?

The national sport in the country of England is cricket. The favorite sport of many residents is football and rugby is also popular.

Most played sport in great britain?

soccer or cricket

What sport are Great Britain best at?

Football,Cricket or Rugby

What is national bird of London?

The United Kingdom, Great Britain, Britain and England do not have national birds.

What girls sport is most played in Great Britain?

Probably netball

What has the author Michael Grylls written?

Michael Grylls has written: 'National Enterprise Board' -- subject(s): Great Britain, Great Britain. National Enterprise Board

Why is cricket important to Australians?

Because Australia is a British colony and cricket is Britain's national sport.