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The colossus computer is a very old computer. It was the first electronic, digital and programmable computer. It was made in 1943 and used to solve a problem proposed by mathematician Max Newman.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

Colossus was an electronic digital computer, built during WWII from over 1700 valves (tubes). It was used to break the codes of the German Lorenz SZ-40 cipher machine that was used by the German High Command.Colossus is sometimes referred to as the world's first fixed program, digital, electronic, computer.

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βˆ™ 6y ago

The Colossus computers (1943-1945) could perform Boolean and counting processes in support of cryptoanalysis of secret German military codes, which used various mechanical encoders.

The computers used vacuum tubes and switches set by hand, with data input from a paper-tape loop. A total of 11 Colossus computers were built by the end of World War 2.

The main task of the computers was to find patterns of coded letter substitution that matched repetition and letter percentages, which greatly reduced the work of the main codebreakers. The method was created by mathematician William T. Tuttle and enabled a number of successful code-reading breakthroughs.

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What part of the colossus computer enabled it to do the processing?

The Colossus computer worked using one to two thousand thermionic valves.

What computer cracked German codes?

The Expert answer is wrong, Enigma messages were cracked using electromechanical Bombe machines.The computer Colossus cracked the German "Fish" codesthat the German High Command used.

When was the Colossus computer built?

The actual computers called Colossus were World War II code-breaking computers built in 1943 and 1944 in Bletchley Park, Buckinghamshire, England. These were the first true programmable computers, and about a dozen were built.The prototype, Colossus Mark I, was shown working in December 1943 and was operational at Bletchley Park by February 1944. An improved Colossus Mark II was first installed in June 1944, and ten more had been constructed by the end of the war. Unfortunately, the secret nature of these computers meant that their innovations were not available for commercial computer development for many years.*The other computer called Colossus is a fictional artificial intelligence from a 1965 novel (Colossus) by Dennis Feltham Jones, which was the basis for the film Colossus, the Forbin Project in 1970

Who created the colossus?

Tommy Flowers developed Colossus in 1943. This computer was intended to aid British code breakers in World War II with analysis of the Lorenz cipher.

What were the two main problems caused by using the valves on the Colossus computer?

Probably rate of burnout and heat. But this was common to all vacuum tube computers, not just Colossus.