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The Dutch don't have colonies anymore. At the moment the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Netherlands Antilles + Aruba are all Dutch territories.

Former colonies are: Suriname, Indonesia, parts of the USA, Brazil, Western Africa, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Japan.

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11y ago

Holland never had a colony in the US. New Amsterdam (present-day New York) was basically a trading post, run by a governor of the 'West-India' trading company.

Former Dutch colonies in America are Surinam, and a group of 6 islands in the Caribean, then called the Dutch Antilles.

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12y ago

Indonesia was all Dutch property. Nothing else.

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14y ago

not interested in converting natives

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Q: What colonys are Dutch?
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What were the North Carolina colonys economic practices?

To eat ice cream and string cheese

What two colonies split in two in 1712?

what colony was split in 2 colonys

What do New England the middle colonies in the southern colonies have in common?

They were all part of the american revolution and were some of the first colonys.

How did the Dutch influence America and the native Americans?

The Dutch saw them as trading partners. The Dutch were not interested in converting them.

What events happened happened from history of Georgia's colony?

it became a state in 1778 and the fourh state no more the thirteen colonys frinch and indean war

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