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Full name is John H. Watson. It was Dorothy Sayers who first speculated that the 'H' stood for Hamish because Watson's wife called him James in 'The Man With the Twisted Lip,' and Hamish is the Scottish form for James yet his middle name is never actually given in the Conan Doyle stories.

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12y ago

Dr. Watson is Sherlock Holmes' faithful friend and companion, in a series of detective short stories and novels, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

The pair are described merely as roommates at first, but as time grows they prove to be essential to each other. Watson is a doctor, and though his powers of observation aren't as magnificent as that of his companion, he teaches Holmes many different things, basically, about etiquette, the Afghanistan wars etc. And Holmes teaches Watson how to observe and deduct things from small and seemingly insignificant details.

Dr Watson is later married to Miss Mary Morstan and moves out from the flat in Baker street to live with her, but Watson is always visiting his friend, and aiding him with cases, and generally keeping him sane.

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14y ago

Watson is described as an intelligent man, if lacking in Holmes' insight. He serves as a perfect foil for Holmes: the ordinary man against the brilliant, emotionally-detached analytical machine. Conan Doyle paired two characters, different in their function and yet each useful for his purposes.

Though initially their relationship was little more than one between casual acquaintances sharing a set of rooms, Holmes and Watson ultimately become the best of friends, almost like brothers .Though Watson never masters Holmes's deductive methods, he is always astute enough to follow his friend's reasoning after the fact

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13y ago

Doctor John H. Watson, MD.

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10y ago

John Watson is Sherlock Home's assistant.

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Dr. John H. Watson, MD His full middle name is unknown, though due to his wife at one point addressing him as 'James' it has been theorized that his middle name is Hamish (Scottish for James) but this is mostly looked upon as a typo.

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What doctor is the narrator of Sherlock Holmes novels?

Dr. John H. Watson

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What is the name of shurlock homes side kick?

John H. Watson, MD is Sherlock Holmes assistant. Most of the time he is referred to as Doctor Watson.

Was Holmes closer to Dr Watson or his brother Mycroft?

It would be Doctor Watson. It was a long time before Watson even discovered that Holmes had a brother. Mycroft did not travel outside of his club or office, so they visited him there.

Why is Doctor spelled with a capital D?

If used as a title, it is capitalised e.g. Doctor George Watson. If used as a common noun (we are going to see the doctor) it is left lowercase.