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Thankfully, no. Hogwarts Extreme, or HEX, is a wonderful site where fans of Harry Potter can play games, roleplay, collect items and more. When joining, you are given a house and blood status. I'm in Ravenclaw *Go Ravie Pride!* and a pureblood. (Note: Houses are generated via a questionnaire, blood status is purely random, and can be change via a donation to the site).

Once logged on, you can join a dorm, complete lessons (which you have to learn to pass your-end-of-year exams - it works year-by-year, really!), send owls to friends, and most importantly, roleplay!

Roleplaying is a key part of the site, and the reason many HP fans join. Create your own thread, customise the font, even pull off pranks (e.g. setting off a dungbomb so a thread is 'too stinky' to get in! Don't worry, these effects can be reversed. However, pranking is for joke reasons only, and should NEVER be used to bully players)!

You can buy pets too, though these can be costly as they need regular feeding. However, your hard work can pay off if you have an owl because it can be used to send letters to others. Of course, there's always the option of the school owls (Which includes funny ones like Sleeping and Hip-Hop owls. Really, I'm telling the truth!).

HEX is not dangerous in any way, but if you're unsure about it then feel free to contact the staff! HEX has volunteer staff who put time and effort into making HEX a safe, fun environment. Everything is kept PG-13, so no cybering or extremely violent acts are used in the roleplays, and there are rules and regulations to keep the students in order. There are no age restrictions on the site, but for those under 13 the language filter is kept permanently ON to stop rude language entering young minds (including 12-year-old me =D). Once you reach your teenage years I presume that you can disable the language filter via your Preferences on myHEX.

I hope to see you on there soon (Add me as a Hogfriend, I'm Cassie E C Hilton!)!

Scoobs, gaming guru and Potter-head

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Kasie Coleman

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3y ago
K I'm adding you I'm kendra (ravenclaw as well!!!)

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