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6mo ago

The present tense verb in this sentence is "runs."

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Q: The boy ran into the house and angrily throws his books on the kitchen table What is the present tense verb in this sentence?
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What is the present tense of threw?

The present tense of threw is:I/You/We/They throw.He/She/It throws.

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sounds like he's angry that you like someone else so I guess so right. Keep an eye on him, he sounds absolutely mental.

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Yodah (יודה) = throw, throws (present tense feminine singular).For exampleShe throws the book = hi yodah et ha sefer (היא יודה את הספר)

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What is the present tense of the word throw?

The present tense of the word "throw" is "throws" when referring to he/she/it, and "throw" when referring to I, you, we, or they.

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"in her highchair" is the prepositional phrase in the sentence. It provides information about the location of where the action is taking place.

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A transitive verb is the verb used when the subject of the sentence is the one doing the action; the direct object is the recipient of the action word. for example: The boy throws the ball. Throws is the verb and ball is the object.

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