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There is no such thing. Words which are highly offensive in one place are innocuous in others. Many people are offended by religious swearing but not by references to sex or defecation, which seem to be the touchiest areas (after race) in the United States.

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12y ago
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13y ago

== == There is no "worst" swear word; that varies by each person's opinion and religious beliefs. For example, taking God's name in vain is one that those who worship God won't tolerate, while other people are more offended at other profanities, which, for obvious reasons, won't be listed.
there are lots i cant say some are inappropriate for children or people under 18 so i cant say them.
WikiAnswers will not teach you obscene language. That would not be appropriate. Only people with limited vocabulary use swear words, anyhow. It is much more satisfying to insult someone by using big words that they don't understand - then they spend the next 20 minutes trying to figure out if you insulted them or not!
Yes after all this is the internet
the worst swear word that i knoow is putian de merde

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15y ago

It is a matter of personal opinion. Some people find religious profanity to be the most offensive while others find sexual swear words to be worse.

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14y ago

The worst word in the world is *igger n*gger ni*ger nig*er nigg*r nigge*

don't say it its racist guys.

someppl say its c**t or f**k

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14y ago

there are a lot of bad words.

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12y ago

stupid , idiot, and moron

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4y ago

Is bloody a swear word

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What is the worse swear word?

What swear word is the worse is a opinion. Most would say that using the lords name in vain is the worst. Most swear words meant something different prior to becoming considered offensive.

Why do people use god as a swear word?

Because it is the worst and most daringly shocking thing they can think of to say.

How do you say a swear word? does not teach people how to swear. Not nice.

Does the wanted swear?

No. They do not swear but in there song "Lose My Mind"they say hoe. That is the only bad word they say.

Is git a swear word?

Git is NOT a swear word, just an insult. ;)

What does a swear word mean?

A word that is inappropriate to say in public

Is cheeky mare a swear word?

most people think cheeky mare is a swear word but it is not

What does flippin mean?

Flippin is one of those safe swear words that you say when you don't want to say a real swear word.

Is F You a swear word?

It is considered as a swear word, so yes it is a swear word. Just the letter "F" in itself is not a swear word ... however, the implication that is generally understood by anyone on the receiving end of the phrase "F you" is the same as using the four letter word. Just say "you're crazy, man!" instead.

What is the best swear word in the world?

I can't say. Usually when swearing I say, "I SWEAR" but that's my opinion.Another answer.School work! Especially for those who don't like doing it.

What swear word does Edward Cullen say after saving Bella from the van?

He swore?

What is the worst word you could say?

Assuming you mean worst as offensive, such word would be up to the digression of the receiver.