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an association or idea suggested by a word or phrase; implication

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love, red, broken, lovers, pain, beating

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Q: What is an example of a connotation?
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What connotation means?

Connotation means an idea or feeling that invokes a person the literal meaning. For example, the word discipline gives the connotation of unhappiness.

What does scientific connotation mean?

connotation means an idea or feeling that invokes a person the literal meaning. For example, the word discipline gives the connotation of unhappiness.

Example of connotation and denotation?

(denotation)-red rose with green stem... (connotation)-Passion of love.

What is an example of connotation in catcher in the rye?

An example of connotation in "Catcher in the Rye" is the word "phony," which Holden Caulfield uses to describe people whom he perceives as fake or insincere. This word carries a negative connotation and reflects Holden's deep mistrust of others and his desire for authenticity.

Example sentence using the word connotation?

The word "home" carries a positive connotation of warmth and security.

What is the positive connotation of stop?

A positive connotation of stop is better noted when using it in a sentence. Such an example would be "She decided to stop eating because she was satisfied."

What is an example of connotation?

The connotation is what you think of when you hear that word. For example, some people think of how cute cats are and their first cats, etc...some people hate cats, and that's what they think of when they hear the word. Here's another example: thin and scrawny. Which one has the more positive connotation? Thin. Scrawny sounds like a malnourished and ugly thing to be, but thin sounds attractive and positive.

How do use connotation in a sentence?

You can use connotation in a sentence by choosing words that carry positive, negative, or neutral underlying meanings to evoke specific emotions or associations. For example, saying "She's frugal" instead of "She's cheap" conveys a more positive connotation.

What is an example of connotation of blue?

sadness: she was feeling blue after having broken up with someone recently.