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Defenestration is the act of throwing someone or something out of a window.

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Q: What word means to be thrown out a window?
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What word means to throw something out the window?

Words that might have that use are the verbs discard, ditch, eject, evict, jettison, pitch, or toss.Defenestrate = to throw or eject from a window or opening. The word is metaphorically but once applied literally to people, notably the Defenestration of Prague (1618), where officials were "thrown out of office", literally!

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The Latin verb jacio jacere means "to throw". The stem -ject comes from this verb.dejecta literally means "thrown or cast down". subjecta literally means "thrown under", rejectameans "thrown back" etc.

What is the meaning of the word expelled?

It means thrown out, both literally and figuratively.

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Where did the word thrown originated from?

The word thrown originated from the word threw. Thrown is the past tense of threw. One could say that the word thrown does not sound very proper, but, it is.

Does a spark plug shatter a window?

If it was thrown hard enough. Than again, pretty much any solid object can shatter a window if thrown hard enough...

Who invented the English word window?

The English word window comes from the Old Norse 'vindauga' which means wind eye. The word window was first recorded in the 13th century to refer to an unglazed hole in a roof.

Can porciline shard break glass window when thrown at it?

yes it does

What does the word discarded mean?

Discarded means having thrown something away, gotten rid of it, or rejected itIn card games, it means to have played a card or having thrown out a card that did not follow suit or that was not needed.