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No, it is an adjective or adverb. It refers to the thing or action following another (next person, next move).

It can only be a noun if the noun it modifies is removed:

"The next will probably be better." (whatever it is must have been named)

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13y ago

the type of part of speech next is a preposition if you dont believe me go ask your teacher. Then if your teacher says it's not, then she/he is wrong.

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14y ago

Perhaps your next question may not be answered as quickly.

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11y ago

"Next, I will explain the following terms to you: red, blue, yellow."

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15y ago

An adjective.

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Q: Is next a noun
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What part of speech is the word next?

next is an adjective because it usually describes a noun like example: next YEAR (noun), and next WEEK (noun)

What is next in this sentence Water will buoy?

A noun or noun phrase should be next.

Is next season a noun?

The term 'next season' is a noun phrase, a group of words based on a noun that functions as a noun in a sentence. The noun phrase 'next season' is made up of the noun 'season' described by the adjective 'next'.Examples:The next season begins in six months. (subject of the sentence)We can go next season. (direct object of the verb 'can go')I have to pay the fees for next season. (object of the preposition 'for')

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The noun clause is 'what happened next'. The relative pronoun 'what' is taking the place of a noun; the clause 'what happened next' is the object of the preposition 'at'.

What is a word that is put next to a noun?

An adjective is a word that is placed next to a noun to describe or modify it.

What is the noun clause in the sentence The judge was stunned at what happened next?

The noun clause in the sentence is "what happened next," as it functions as the object of the preposition "at."

Is Pharaoh a proper noun in the context of the next pharaoh?

No it is not a proper noun.

What parts of speech is next?

I think it's an adjective, because it describes what kind of something: NEXT WEEK Week is a noun, and next is telling when the week is.

Is the word next a proper noun?

No, the noun 'next' is a common noun, a general word for a person or thing immediately following another; a word for any following person or thing.A proper noun is the name or title of a specific person, place, or thing; for example, Next Exit Photography in Los Angeles, CA or The Next Step (Canadian TV series).The word 'next' also functions as an adjective and an adverb.

What is the name for a word that is put next to a noun?

A word that is put next to a noun to describe or modify it is called an adjective. Adjectives help provide more information about the noun, such as its size, color, or shape.

Is next pronoun?

No, the word 'next' is an adjective, adverb, and a noun.Examples:The next bus should be here in five minutes. (adjective, describes the noun 'bus')You should take the next best offer. (adverb, modifies the adjective 'best')Jim took the first one, you can have the next. (noun, direct object of the verb 'can have')A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.Example: Jim took the first one, you can have the next. It will take just a minute.The pronoun 'it' takes the place of the noun 'next'.

Does an appositive have to stand next to the noun it modifies?

An appositive typically appears next to the noun it modifies, but it can also come before or after it. The purpose of an appositive is to provide more information or clarify a certain aspect of the noun it refers to.