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The word 'first' may be used as many parts of speech.

It may be used as an adjective when describing a noun, e.g. He was the first President of the United States. or - He played first violin in the orchestra.

It may be used as an adverb when describing time or order, e.g. He came first in the race. or - Please phone me firstbefore you drop in.

It is a noun when used in Baseball in reference to First such as first base, or when someone has done something unusual and you can say, "That's a first!"

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Marianne Gorczany

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7y ago

The word 'first' may be used as many parts of speech.

It may be used as an adjective when describing a noun, e.g. He was the first President of the United States. or - He played first violin in the orchestra.

It may be used as an adverb when describing time or order, e.g. He came first in the race. or - Please phone me firstbefore you drop in.

It is a noun when used in Baseball in reference to First such as first base, or when someone has done something unusual and you can say, "That's a first!"

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