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Definition is a noun.

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Q: What part of speech is the word definition?
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No, the word requiz is not a word. There is not a definition for this word nor part of speech listed and it is not correct to use it in the English language.

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What part of speech is typhoon?

Typhoon is a noun. If you're not sure about the part of speech for any word. You can look the word up in a dictionary or type the word into a search engine asking for the definition of the word. Doing so will not only give you the meaning/definition of the word but also tell if the word is a Noun, Verb, Adverb, Adjective, adverb, pronoun, etc.

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Loftily is an adjective and means, "in a pompous, arrogant or grand manner"

Something you find out about a word by looking it up in the dictionary?

When looking up a word in the dictionary, you can find out its definition, part of speech, and sometimes its origin or etymology.

What is the definition of cleaver and what part of speech is the word cleaver?

its a very large rectangular knife there fore being a noun.

What part of speech is the word moments?

The part of speech for this particular word is a noun.