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Q: What is the meaning of two word adjective?
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What does the word reduction mean?

Mean has two meaning and one if it is when it is used as an adjective while the other meaning is to say or tell what does a word speaks for.

Is regular an adjective?

The word meaning "with constant frequency" is an adjective. The word meaning "a frequent customer" is a noun.

Is immediately an adjective?

The word immediate, meaning "at that given moment", is an adjective.

Is sombre an adjective?

The word sombre, meaning "depressing" is an adjective.

Is fancy an adjective?

The word fancy, meaning "decorative", is an adjective.

Is serious an adjective?

The word serious, meaning "important" is an adjective.

What is an adjective for the word kitten?

Kittenish is the adjective related to the word kitten. Feline is an adjective meaning related to cats.

Is separated an adjective?

The word separated can be used as an adjective, meaning "detached", or as a verb, meaning "broken apart".

What is the adjective of adjective?

The word "adjective" is a usually a noun. It is the name of a part of speech. The adjective form is "adjectival". However, in some cases the word adjective itself is used as an adjunct, e.g. adjective phrase rather than adjectival. The word "adjective" does have a meaning as an adjective. It means "additional" or "dependent". It also has a specialized meaning in law.

What is a two word adjective that rhymes meaning sunset?

lolo mo Hindi ko naman alam ehh!!

Is exclaim an adjective?

No, the word exclaim, meaning "to cry out passionately", is a verb.The adjective form is exclamatory.

Is tropical an adjective or an adverb?

The word tropical is an adjective form of the word tropic or tropics. The word tropic is also used as an adjective. The adverb form is "tropically."