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The word 'power' is a noun (power, powers), a verb(power, powers, powering, powered), and an adjective (power, more power, most power). Examples:

noun: The power is in the hands of the people.

verb: We have a generator to power the lights in a blackout.

adjective: Be sure that the power setting is a medium.

The noun form for the verb to power is the gerund, powering.

The noun forms for the adjective power are powerfulness and powerlessness.

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11y ago
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14y ago
a. the capability to act or function effectively.
b. the ability to exert authority or control over others.
c. a person, group, or nation that exercises authority or control, or that has wide influence.

Synonyms: vigor, energy, stamina, strength, authority, control, reign, sovereignty, dominance, leadership, skill, ability, capability, endowment, emotion, force

a. to supply with energy or force.

Synonyms: drive, energize, operate, impel, electrify, charge, activate, enliven, excite, rouse, compel
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13y ago

another word for power is a gigantic aura form by living creatures around us.

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8y ago

Power is the ability to influence the behavior of others.

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authority, strength, control

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strength, virility

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