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A word within a word is called a kangaroo Word.

"Why do we call them kangaroo words? Not because they originated in Australia. Rather, these are marsupial words that carry smaller versions of themselves within their spellings. So 'respite' has 'rest,' 'splotch' has 'spot,' 'instructor' has 'tutor,' and 'curtail' has 'cut.' Sometimes a kangaroo word has more than one joey. The word 'feasted' has a triplet, 'fed,' 'eat,' and 'ate.' Finally, two qualifications: the joey word has to have its letters in order within the parent kangaroo word, but if all the letters are adjacent, for example, enjoy/joy, it doesn't qualify."

(Anu Garg, Another Word a Day. Wiley, 2005)

Here are some examples below:

masculine (male)

observe (see)

plagiarist (liar)

rambunctious (raucous)

supervisor (superior)

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