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An adjective is the word that describes a noun. Examples:

  • a hot coffee
  • a red jacket
  • a soft pillow
  • a late class
  • a cute baby
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8y ago
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11y ago

Articles, adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and pronouns can be used to describe or modify a noun.

The articles are:

DEFINITE ARTICLE: the (used to identify a specific noun).

INDEFINITE ARTICLES: a (used before a singular noun starting with a consonant sound), an (used before a singular noun starting with a vowel sound).

ADJECTIVES: An adjective describes or qualifies a noun (a big dog, a small dog); adjectives are used before the noun or after the verb (This is an easy subject. or This is hard.); two or more adjectives can be used together (a beautiful, young lady). There are hundreds of adjectives, some samples are: happy, sad, green, white, special, somber, chewy, dark, heavy, sweet, lucky, wonderful, etc.

ATTRIBUTIVE NOUNS are nouns used to describe other nouns (nouns used as adjectives), for example horse farm, vegetable broth, car wash, school books, etc.

ADVERBS: An adverb, which is used to modify verbs, also modify adjectives, which is additional information about a noun; for example a very happy birthday, his frequently long speeches, a simplydelicious dish, etc.

Pronouns used to modify nouns are:

PERSONAL PRONOUNS, my, your, his, her, their, its.

DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS, this, that, these, those, the former, etc.

DISTRIBUTIVE PRONOUNS, each, either, none, neither, etc.

NUMERAL PRONOUNS, some, any, few, many, none, all, etc.

ADDITIONALLY: A predicate nominative or a predicate adjective restates a noun following a linking verb or the object of a verb, telling something about the noun.

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9y ago

"A noun is a word for a person, a place, or a thing."

Examples of words that are nouns:

  • aunt
  • Boston
  • candle
  • doctor
  • Europe
  • frog
  • grandfather
  • Hawaii
  • ice cream
  • jockey
  • Kansas
  • lunch
  • manager
  • neighborhood
  • opinion
  • piano
  • Queen Elizabeth II
  • region
  • star
  • traveler
  • Ursa Major
  • vacation
  • witch
  • Xanadu
  • year
  • zoologist
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12y ago

Nouns are not describing words. Nouns are the words for people, places, and things.

Adjectives are the words that describe; adjectives describe nouns. Examples:

  • happy child
  • beautiful park
  • sour apple
  • tall man
  • foreign country
  • high tower
  • bad idea
  • long sermon
  • grumpy neighbor
  • gorgeous day
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11y ago

A noun is a word for a person, a place, or a thing.

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13y ago

A noun is any person, place or thing. It can be specified or not.





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14y ago

An adjective .

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