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no it is an adverb because it describes a verb

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Q: Is quickly a verb
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Is quickly a verb a noun or an adjective?

Quickly is a verb.

What is the verb for quickly?

The verb of quickly is quicken. As in "to quicken something".

Is quickly a verb or an adverb?

The word quickly is an adverb.The verb form would be "quicken".

What are the verb in the sentence quickly dropped her coat?

Quickly is an adverb, and dropped is the verb.

Quickly verb or not?

Quickly is an adverb. It describes a verb. e.g. The man ran quickly along the road. In this case ran is the verb and quickly is the adjective as it describes the manner in which the man ran.

Is packed quickly a verb?

"Packed quickly" is a phrase consisting of an adverb ("quickly") and a verb ("packed"). The verb in this phrase is "packed," which describes the action being performed.

Is visit an adverb?

No. Visit can be a noun or a verb. An adverb tells you how a verb does something. If you "visit quickly," visit is the verb and quickly is the adverb

What is used to modify the meaning of a verb or adverb?

An adverb modifies the meaning of a verb or another adverb. An example of modifying a verb is, "quickly jumped." Quickly modifies the verb, jumped. If you say, "very quickly jumped," you are using very to modify the adverb quickly.

Is quickly verb or adjective?

Quickly is neither. It's an adverb.

Is quickly a noun verb adjective or adverb?

The word quickly is an adverb, a word that modifies a verb; for example:We quickly gathered our things when we saw the train approach.

Which is verb from the following words quickly beautiful cat imagine you?

From the words quickly beautiful cat imagine you, the only one that is a verb is imagine. quickly - adverb beautiful - adjective cat - noun imagine - verb you - pronoun

What is the verb in this sentence The time passed quickly?

The verb in this sentence is "passed". The verb "to pass" in the past. Quickly is the adverb 'cause it is describing how the time passed. Remember the verb is the action and the adverb describes the action.