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No, it is a compound noun. It cannot be used as an adverb, although it is a noun adjunct (acts likie an adjective) when used in terms such as homework assignments.

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8y ago

No, it is a noun. Used with other nouns (homework problems, homework assistance), it is a noun adjunct rather than an adjective.

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14y ago

No. It is a noun.

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Q: Is Homework an adjective
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What part is the word the?

The word 'no' is a an adverb, an adjective, and a noun.Example functions:We have no more time. (adverb, modifies the adjective 'more')We have no homework today. (adjective, describes the noun 'homework')We have one no and three yeses. (noun, a word for a thing)

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The word 'no' is a an adverb, an adjective, and a noun.Example functions:We have no more time. (adverb, modifies the adjective 'more')We have no homework today. (adjective, describes the noun 'homework')We have one no and three yeses. (noun, a word for a thing)

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The word 'no' is a an adverb, an adjective, and a noun.Example functions:We have no more time. (adverb, modifies the adjective 'more')We have no homework today. (adjective, describes the noun 'homework')We have one no and three yeses. (noun, a word for a thing)

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The word 'no' is a an adverb, an adjective, and a noun.Example functions:We have no more time. (adverb, modifies the adjective 'more')We have no homework today. (adjective, describes the noun 'homework')We have one no and three yeses. (noun, a word for a thing)

How you used the word?

The word 'no' is a an adverb, an adjective, and a noun.Example functions:We have no more time. (adverb, modifies the adjective 'more')We have no homework today. (adjective, describes the noun 'homework')We have one no and three yeses. (noun, a word for a thing)

Is the word NO an adverb or a pronoun?

The word 'no' is a an adverb, an adjective, and a noun, not a pronoun.Examples:We have no more time. (adverb, modifies the adjective 'more')We have no homework today. (adjective, describes the noun 'homework')We have one no and three yeses. (noun, a word for a thing)

The teacher appeared angry when Dave forgot his homework does this a predicate adjective?

"Angry" is a predicate adjective describing the teacher.

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What is the plural form of homework?

Homework is a mass noun and uses singular verbs. There is no plural. To express a plural, you could use a number or similar adjective, such as "piece." Example: - One piece of homework - Two pieces of homework

Adjective of smells pleasing answer begin with the letter fr?

fragrant. I was doing my homework to and i figured it out.

Is the word no a pronoun?

No, the word 'no' is not a pronoun.The word 'no' is a an adverb, an adjective, and a noun.Example functions:We have no more time. (adverb, modifies the adjective 'more')We have no homework today. (adjective, describes the noun 'homework')We have one no and three yeses. (noun, a word for a thing)

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