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You have to go to the NYT website, then go to the "Join NYT" section, click on the ideas tap link and follow it from there.

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Q: How can you get into the English National Youth Theatre?
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How do you get the National Youth Theatre application form?

The form can be found if you google National Youth Theatre, and is titled NYT-Apply.

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They were both members of the National Youth Theatre.

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In National Youth Theatre it is very friendly and fun yet you do have to have patience and respect for the others. They get into alot of mischif together and become great friends. Most people start here and become Famouse in the theatre arts.

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Mostar Youth Theatre was created in 1974.

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Milwaukee Youth Theatre was created in 1991.

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Bryantsev Youth Theatre was created in 1962.

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Oxford Youth Theatre was created in 1962.

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Independent Youth Theatre was created in 2003.

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Birmingham Youth Theatre ended in 1987.

When was Birmingham Youth Theatre created?

Birmingham Youth Theatre was created in 1971.

When was Zenith Youth Theatre Company created?

Zenith Youth Theatre Company was created in 1963.