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a sidewalk

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Q: American word for pavement
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Related questions

What is a word in America meaning pavement?

The American word for pavement is sidewalk.

Can you put the word pavement in a sentence?

The quick brown fox jumped on the pavement next to the lazy dog. It also contains every letter in the alphabet

How many syllables are in the word pavement?

2 there are 2 syllables in pavement

Can you give me a sentence with the word pavement?

The garbageman collected the litter from the pavement.

What part of speech is the word pavement?

The word 'pavement' is a noun, a word for the hard, smooth surface used for walking or driving motor vehicles; a word for the material used to form that surface; a word for a sidewalk; a word for a thing.

What does a sidewalk mean?

yes sidewalk is an American word.mean to say pavement. sidewalk:-pavement,root

What does the word uneven describe?

The word uneven could describe mood, pavement, skills, temperatures, or anything that is supposed to be even.Here is a sentence in which the word uneven is used to describe the word pavement: The workers worked all week to smooth the uneven pavement.

Is pavement a compound word?


How can you use pavement in sentence?

The man walked along the pavement.The pavement was cracked and worn, because it was so old.The word "pavement" is a noun.The pavement pounded under my feet as I ran after my dog.

What is the correct spelling for the word pavement?

Pavement is correct.Pavement is correct.Pavement is correct.Pavement is correct.Pavement is correct.Pavement is correct.Pavement is correct.Pavement is correct.Pavement is correct.Pavement is correct.Pavement is correct.

Which country does the word pavement come from?

The word "pavement" comes from the Latin word "pavimentum," which means a floor or a beaten earth floor. The term eventually evolved to refer to a paved surface or a hard, level surface for roads or walkways.

What is the french word 'trottoir' in English?

Pavement Sidewalk