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There is no such Hebrew word. But if you are talking about the Yiddish word shul (or schul), referring to a synagogue, the Hebrew word for synagogue is bet k'nesset (בית כנסת)

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shluchot (שלוחות) = "extensions" or "branches"

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Q: What is a shul in Hebrew?
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What does the word shul mean?

Shul is a word Jews use to describe a synagogue. It is not Hebrew, Hebrew for Synagogue is "Beit HaKanesset". Shul is possibly of Yiddish origin.

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Synagogue SynonymA synagogue is also known as a "shul." Hebrew: beit knesset

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A Jewish house of worship and study is called a synagogue or shul. Non-orthodox Jews also call it a temple. In Hebrew, a synagogue is known by the following names: bet k'nesset (בית כנסת) "house of assembly" bet midrash (בית מדרש) "house of study"

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English: synagogue Yiddish: shul