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Barium ion, with a charge of +2.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

A cation is a positively charged ion, while a chloride ion is a negatively charged ion made up of chlorine atoms. Nitrate ion consists of a nitrogen atom and three oxygen atoms with a net charge of -1. Chromite ion is a compound typically found in minerals and consists of a chromium atom combined with oxygen atoms.

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Q: What is a cation barium ion Chloride ion nitrate ion or chromite ion?
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What is a cation barium ion clhorid ion nitrate ion or chromite ion?

barium ion is a cation. rest listed are anions.

What is a cation barium ion Chloride ion nitrate ionor chormate ion?

A cation is a positively charged ion. Barium ion is Ba^2+, chloride ion is Cl^-, nitrate ion is NO3^-, and chromate ion is CrO4^2-.

What is the anion of Barium Chloride?

The anion of barium chloride is chloride (Cl-). Barium chloride is an ionic compound composed of the cation barium (Ba2+) and the anion chloride.

Is barium nitrate an ionic or molecular compound?

Barium nitrate is an ionic compound. It is composed of the metal cation barium (Ba2+) and the nitrate anion (NO3-), which are held together by ionic bonds.

What is the name of BaNO32?

Correctly it should be written as 'Ba(NO3)2 ' and it is barium nitrate. Notice the use of brackets and the '2' , to indicate that there are two nitrate anions combined to the one barium cation. NB As you gave it, it does not make sense as a chemical formula.

What ions are produced when barium chloride dissociates?

When barium chloride (BaCl2) dissociates in water, it forms Ba2+ ions and Cl- ions. The barium ion has a charge of +2, while the chloride ion has a charge of -1.

What is the name of the compound with the formula Ba(CN)2?

The compound with the formula Ba(CN)2 is barium cyanide. It is an inorganic compound composed of a barium cation (Ba2+) and two cyanide anions (CN-).

What is made when silver nitrate and sodium chloride is added together?

When silver nitrate and sodium chloride are added together, a white precipitate of silver chloride is formed due to a chemical reaction between the two compounds. This reaction is a classic example of a double displacement reaction where the silver cation from silver nitrate swaps places with the sodium cation from sodium chloride, resulting in the formation of insoluble silver chloride.

Loading In a reaction between ammonium nitrate and aluminum chloride the newly formed aluminunm compound will be?

The newly formed aluminum compound in this reaction will be aluminum nitrate, since aluminum (III) cation from aluminum chloride will replace the ammonium (NH4+) cation from ammonium nitrate to form aluminum nitrate (Al(NO3)3).

Is barium hydroxide a cation or an anion?

Barium hydroxide is a compound that consists of a barium cation (Ba2+) and a hydroxide anion (OH-), where the barium ion is the cation.

How many percent composition of barium nitrate?

Barium nitrate consists of one barium cation (Ba2+) and two nitrate anions (NO3-). The percent composition can be calculated by finding the molar mass of each element in the compound and dividing by the molar mass of the whole compound. For barium nitrate (Ba(NO3)2), the percent composition of barium is approximately 20.6% (Ba: 137.33 g/mol, Ba(NO3)2: 261.34 g/mol).

Why does beryllium chloride has more covalent character than barium chloride?

Beryllium chloride has more covalent character than barium chloride because beryllium is a smaller cation with a higher charge density, leading to stronger interactions with the chloride anions. This results in a more polar covalent bond in beryllium chloride compared to the more ionic bond in barium chloride due to the larger size and lower charge density of barium.