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Because they form under many different combinations of air temperature, pressure, and humidity; and other factors.

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Dorcas Tremblay

Lvl 13
2y ago
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2mo ago

Clouds form when warm air rises, expands, and cools, causing water vapor to condense into tiny water droplets or ice crystals. Factors like air temperature, humidity, and air currents determine the formation and abundance of clouds in the atmosphere. Weather patterns, geography, and regional climatic conditions can also influence cloud formation, leading to variations in cloud cover and density.

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Why do you get different kinds of clouds?

clouds tell you what the weather is going to be, so that is why there are so many kinds.

Why are there so many clouds in mountain?

Because a mountain is tall!

How many cloud are there?

=there are 15 i have counted off of the internet so yeah i have also counted in the sky==here they are:==Cirrus clouds==Cirrostratus clouds==Cirrocumulus clouds==Altostratus clouds==Altocumulus clouds==Stratus clouds==Stratocumulus clouds==Nimbostratus clouds==Cumulus clouds==Cumulonimbus clouds==Mammatus clouds==Lenticular clouds==Fog==Contrails==Green Clouds=

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No there is virtually no atmosphere so that means no moisture so no clouds

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Ceres has no meaningful atmosphere, so no, it has no clouds.

Are there clouds around Pluto?

Pluto has no atmosphere, so no clouds.

What clouds are rain clouds?

Rain clouds are are rain clouds so stop being dumb...that wasn't the right answer u dumbo.

Is the sun above the clouds or below the clouds?

The sun is above the clouds, because when the clouds pass through it covers the sun. So yes the clouds are below the sun.

How many syllables does cirrus clouds have?

Cirrus clouds is 3 syllables. Cir-rus clouds.

How many clouds in sky?

due to my knowledge clouds are not countable..

Why do clouds appear to move while we move?

when we walk the clouds so big it look like the clouds is following you

Do clouds adapt to the enviorment?

Clouds are not living things - so are not capable of adapting.