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According to Greek Myth, the Temple of Delphi was where the God Apollo slew the vicious Python. Afterwards, the temple became dedicated to the God, and Pythia, named for the Python that Apollo vanquished, became the Oracle. Because Apollo was the God of Prophecies, the Oracle told people who ventured to the Temple their future. The Oracle of Delphi was included in many myths and legends of the Ancient Greeks, and many real life Greeks also went to see her. She lived in the temple, dancing around, telling fortunes. It was thought that the fumes that rose up through the holes in the floor from the caverns below gave the Oracle a "high" effect, but that theory has recently been disproved. It is uncertain if she was just spouting gibberish, as quite a few of her predictions actually came true. Today, it is still a hot tourist destination, though the Oracle no longer roams the halls, many Delphic people still go there to honor the arguably most beloved of the Greek Gods, Apollo.

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βˆ™ 2mo ago

The Temple of Apollo at Delphi served as a sacred sanctuary dedicated to the god Apollo. It was believed to be the center of the world and a place where people could communicate directly with the gods through the Oracle of Delphi. The temple also housed valuable treasures and offerings given by those seeking guidance or blessings.

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Who said nothing in excess?

It is inscription on the wall of the temple of Apollo at Delphi.