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People believe that it is special because of the two tower type shape as in the westminster abbey

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Q: What is special about French Gothic architecture?
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Where can gothic architecture be traced back to?

Gothic architecture have its origin in France from the 12th century until the 16th century. The architecture then was popularly called Opus Francigenum which means "French work".

Medieval style of architecture similar to buildings in ancient rome?

romanesque.Medieval architecture is actually referred to as Gothic Architecture.

Is Gothic a design period?

Yes, Gothic Architecture and Art, also known as Medieval Architecture and Art, is the product of multiple generations of influence. Characteristics of Gothic Architecture include the pointed arch, ribbed vault and flying buttress. Spanning from the 12th to the 16th century Gothic architecture, also termed "French Style" flourished and peaked during the high and late medieval period. The heart of the art evolved from Romanesque architecture, which later developed into Renaissance architecture.Interestingly, the term "Gothic" used to describe this form of architecture is quite misleading as it implies that this genre of architectural design was heavily influenced by the Goths or Visigoth tribes. In actuality, those tribes were vanquished by the 6th century and thus their influence on Gothic design is non-existent. It is by mere convention that the term "Gothic Architecture" is used to describe these distinctive designs.The influence of Gothic architecture can be seen in castles, palaces, houses, universities and town halls. Gothic designs are prominent all over the world, especially in European countries. No matter where the designs are found, the powerful beauty of Gothic architecture is pronounced and distinctive, and it is an element of architectural design that is awesome and mysterious at the same time.

What are the differences between the roman architecture and Sassanian architecture?

Gothic and Roman architecture are similar:

Are gargoyles Gothic Architecture?

No they are not they are simply mythical canstructions that do not come under the gothic dictionarey.

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Where can gothic architecture be traced back to?

Gothic architecture have its origin in France from the 12th century until the 16th century. The architecture then was popularly called Opus Francigenum which means "French work".

What inspired gothic architecture?

Churches were one of the inspirations for Gothic architecture. Islamic architecture was another influence on Gothic architecture. You will also find some small Renaissance influences.

Medieval style of architecture similar to buildings in ancient rome?

romanesque.Medieval architecture is actually referred to as Gothic Architecture.

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A new form of architecture that emerged in the high Middle Ages was called the French style, or Gothic architecture.

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Where in particular gothic architecture started?

Gothic architecture originated in Northern France, starting in the Paris area.

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What has the author Geoffrey Fairbank Webb written?

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What Style of architecture originating in France?

During the 12th - 16th century " the French stye" or Gothic architecture flourished in France. Originating in Normandy and Burgundy, and based on the Romanesque style, the French style of architecture progressed through France partly by the movements of Architect's , Master Mason's, and the wide spread competition between Bishop's, Monasteries and other partrons of Cathedrals. The period can be divided into 4 parts: Early Gothic, Lancet Gothic, Rayonnet Gothic and Late or Flamboyant Gothic. Characteristic's include: Pointed arches, ribbed vaults and Flying Buttresses.

Medieval style of architecture?

Medieval style architecture is the same as Gothic Architecture.