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He had things going through his head that made him have different moods so you could say that he died because his mood swings happend too fast and too soon so he died.

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Augustine Washington was born in 1694.

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Q: When was Augustine Washington born?
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Where was Augustine Washington born?

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Where and when was Augustine Washington father of George Washington born?

He was born circa 1694 in Westmoreland, Virginia

What was Augustine Washington's birthday?

Augustine Washington, the father of the first President of the United States, George Washington, was born in 1694. His exact date of birth is uncertain.

Who is George Washington's father?

Augustine Washington

What was George Washington's parent names?

* Father - Augustine Washington * Mother - Mary Ball Washington* Father - Augustine Washington * Mother - Mary Ball Washington* Father - Augustine Washington * Mother - Mary Ball Washington* Father - Augustine Washington * Mother - Mary Ball Washington* Father - Augustine Washington * Mother - Mary Ball Washington* Father - Augustine Washington * Mother - Mary Ball Washington

When augistine Washington was birthday?

Augustine Washington was the father of George Washington, who was America's 1st President. Augustine was born on November 12, 1694 and passed away on April 12, 1743.

How old were George Washington's parents when he was born?

His father Augustine Washington (1694-1743) was 37 when George was born on Feb. 22, 1832. His mother (Augustine's second wife*) was Mary Ball Washington. She was 23 when he was born, the first of her six children. *(Washington had two older half-brothers, Lawrence and Augustine II, and an older half-sister Jane, who died when George was three)

What were george washingtons mom and dad full name?

George Washington was born to Augustine Washington and Mary Ball Washington.

What was George Washington's dads name?

George Washington's father's name was Augustine Washington.Augustine Washington was the name of George Washington's father.