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Nothing really. You are just 3 cm closer to getting to 10. listen for them to tell you your membranes are bulging...which means your water is about to break...mine broke at 5 cm...but I suppose everyone is different. Good Luck

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9y ago

3 centimeters dilated means that the cervix has opened three centimeters. This happens as the body is going into labor.

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15y ago

2 cm is a little less than 2 finger widths. That is how open your cervix is. It means some progress. I am the same and was hoping for change this week with no such luck. Any day now!!!

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Q: What does it mean when you get to 10cm dilated?
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3cm dilated when will you deliver?

you will deliver at 10cm dialated

What is when cervix and vagina expand to 10 cm?

When the cervix is dilated to 10cm it is time to push the baby out during labor.

What does it mean if you are 50 percent effaced and not dilated?

50% is out of 100% which means your cervix is paper thin. Once your cervix is dialated to 10cm & your 100% effaced baby is ready to be born. How long it could be in this position, depends on your body.

What does it mean if you are pregnant and almost 3 cm dilated?

Being almost 3 cm dilated during pregnancy means that your cervix is starting to open in preparation for labor. It could be a sign that your body is getting ready for childbirth, but it doesn't necessarily mean that labor is imminent. It's important to follow your healthcare provider's advice and keep monitoring your progress.

What does it mean to be dilating during pregnancy?

When you are dilating during labor, this means your cervix is opening more and softening to allow the baby to pass through the birth canal. Your cervix will be ready to pass the baby through once you are dilated 10cm.

What does 50 percent dilated mean?

Dilated means made wider of larger, so 50% dilated is 50% larger

When you are 32 weeks and dilated 3cm and 50 inffaced how much longer before you pop?

Fully dialated is 10cm, so I'd say you have some time left. Don't fret!

When someone's pupils are dilated does it mean their attracted to you?

Dilated pupils can indicate arousal or interest, but they can also be caused by other factors like excitement, fear, or even certain medications. It's more accurate to consider dilated pupils along with other body language cues and verbal communication to get a better understanding of someone's feelings towards you.

How do you push in labour?

You squeeze your muscles of your lower abdomen really hard so it forces the baby through the birth canal. Once you are 10cm dilated, you push with each contraction so the baby is born.

Im 1 in half centimeters dialted the babies head is down does that mean labor will come soon?

Yes. within 2 days 10cm is considered fully dilated You have probably already had "false labor" pains (kinda like monthly cramps) BUT when the time comes you will know. labor is hard to miss

Mildly dilated left ventricle?

A mildly dilated left ventricle could mean a wide variety of things. You may have an enlarged heart, or you could be on a medication that is causing this.

Is 37 weeks and 2cm dilated?

The question you have typed, does not mean anything really!