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Loud would be represented with the word forte (f). Very loud would be fortissimo (ff). Suddenly loud would be sfz (sforzando) Somewhat loud would be mf(mezzo forte)

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14y ago

ff or fotissimo, meaning very loud, or f or forte, meaning loud

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ff or fortissimo, which is very loud; or f which is just loud

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10y ago

Forte means loud, fortissimo means very loud, and fortississimo means extremely loud.

There is also Crescendo which means that you increase volume over time.

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Q: What musical term tells you to play loudly?
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What is the musical term in music that starts with a f that means to play loudly?

Fortissimo means to play loudly.

What does fortissino mean?

Fortissimo is a musical term that means to play very loudly or with great force. It is indicated in sheet music with the abbreviation "ff".

What does the term fortissimo mean?

A musical direction meaning 'to be performed very loudly'

What does the Italian term sfz mean on a musical score?

sforzando, like an accent, suddenly playing the note loudly and accented

What is musical term meaning loudly or powerfully?

There are all sorts of musical terms that mean "loudly" or "Powerfully", including loudly and powerfully! The habit of using only Italian terms in music has largely passed, not least of causes being the German composers using German terms, the French using French terms, and English and American composers finally starting to use English terms. For traditionalists, though, the Italian word that most nearly matches loudly or powerfully is "Forte".

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It means: Play on the fingerboard.

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In modern musical notation there is no term for 'so much'. There is two markings for loud though. The first is the dynamic marking 'forte' and can be used to denote that a passage or phrase is to be played with force. The second is the articulation marking 'marcato' that tells the musician to play a single note louder than notes before and after it.

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I think the term you're looking for is melodic.

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If you mean to play again you might want repeat.

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a gig is like a show/concert where they play music

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I can't be sure but I think lento means slow.